- (2023/Dec/30) We are inviting research articles on Control and management of nonpoint source pollution as a special issue of a journal Water Environment Research by June 2024.
Upcoming events (I/my colleagues may attend/present)
- 2024/Jun/9-14 Delft 16th International Conference on Urban Drainage (ICUD)
- 2024/Jul/20-21 Okayama WET2024
- 2024/Jul/30-Aug/1 東京 第61回下水道研究発表会
- 2024/Aug/11-15 Toronto IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition
- 2024/Aug/18-23 Cape Town ISME19
- 2024/Sep/11-13 盛岡 第27回日本水環境学会シンポジウム
- 2024/Sep/21-25 Tianjin SETAC Asia-Pacific 14th Biennial Meeting
- 2024/Nov/28-29 tentative The 11th Asian Conference on Safety and Education in Laboratory (ACSEL2024)
- 2023/Nov/22-26 Louisville SETAC North America 44th Annual Meeting
- 2024/Nov/26-28 新潟 第61回環境工学研究フォーラム
- 2024/Dec/11-14 21st International Conference on Diffuse Pollution & Eutrophication (DIPCON2024)
- 2025/Mar/17-19 札幌 第59回日本水環境学会年会