
Submerged membrane bioreactor (MBR), since its introduction in the late 1980s as a cost-effective alternative to the side-stream MBR, has been successfully used for treatment of different kinds of wastewater. Membrane fouling- an inevitable consequence of interactions between membranes and the mixed liquor, however, impedes widespread use of the submerged MBR technology. Industrial wastewater in particular, being a complex and highly variable mixture of many polluting substances, may impose aggravated pore blocking or gelatinous cake-layer fouling, depending on the type and arrangement of the modules and the associated operating parameters.

In this study, performance of hollow-fiber modules containing spacer was assessed. The aim of introducing spacer was to avoid merging of fibers by reducing the intrusion of sludge into the module as much as possible. The little amount of intruded sludge may then be backwashed through the bottom end while the sludge deposited on the surface may be effectively cleaned by air-scouring. It was expected that, in this way, efficient utilization of cleaning solution and air may be made for backwashing and surface- cleaning, respectively. Spacer filled spiral-wound module has a long history of successful application in different sectors of water and wastewater treatment. On the other hand, previous studies have focused on different operational considerations and design aspects of submerged hollow fiber membrane modules. However, our study is the first instance where spacer has been incorporated within a hollow-fiber module with the specific aim of fouling mitigation in case of wastewater applications.


1. Under similar conditions, while the usual hollow-fiber bundles exhibited fatal cake-layer fouling within a day or so, the modules with spacer sustained stable performance for a month.
2. Among the explored modules, a hybrid module (fiber packing density =61.5 %, surface area=1.07 m2) obtained by winding a rigid spacer (thickness=1 mm, opening=7 mm x 7 mm) on the surface of a module originally containing a thin spacer (opening=1 mm x 1 mm) exhibited the optimum compactness so as to minimize intrusion of sludge while simultaneously allowing wash-out of the small amount of sludge trapped within it.
3. Periodic in situ chemical backwashing with a small dose (500 mg Cl/L, 100 ml/m2, twice/week) and intermittent surface-cleaning with a specially designed aeration device (1 min/30 min @1 L air/min) enabled stable operation for a prolonged period under the selected average flux (7.64x10-6 m/s) and MLSS concentrations (up to 25 g/L).
2.試験されたモジュールのうち、固いスペーサー(厚さ1mm、格子 7mm×7mm)を、薄いスペーサー(格子1mm ×1mm)を内部に含む膜モジュールの表面に巻きつけたハイブリッドモジュール(膜体積率 61.5%、膜面積 1.07 m2)が、汚泥の侵入を最小化すると同時に内部で捕捉された少量の汚泥を洗いせる、最適な形であることが示された。
3.定期的なin situ 低濃度化学逆洗浄(500 mg Cl/L, 100 ml/m2, 週2回)と、特別にデザインされた曝気装置による30分間の間に1分行われる間歇的な表面洗浄(通器量:1L /min)により 、平均フラックス 7.64×10-6 m/s、MLSS 25 g/Lという条件化で長期的に安定した運転が達成された。


参考資料)  大久保孝樹,平膜表面近傍のマイクロ流れに関する研究
