Effect of High-Frequency, Low-Intensity Alternating Electric Fields on Escherichia coli Biofilm Development Processes and Gene Expression Water and Environment Technology Conference 2024, 20-21 July 2024, Okayama, Japan [The WET Excellent Presentation Award] |
Detection of terrestrial animals in urban runoff using environmental DNA 16th International Conference on Urban Drainage, 9-14 June 2024, Delft, Netherlands |
Physical extraction of highly-ecotoxic particles in road dust 16th International Conference on Urban Drainage, 9-14 June 2024, Delft, Netherlands |
Characterization of meso- and microplastics in highway dust collected by road-sweeping vehicles 第58回日本水環境学会年会 (福岡:2024.03) |
市街地道路塵埃と雨水桝内堆積物における粒子の比重及び粒径分布の比較 第58回日本水環境学会年会 (福岡:2024.03) |
位相差顕微鏡観察画像に基づく活性汚泥フロック中ポリリン酸蓄積細菌生息状況の評価可能性の検討 第58回日本水環境学会年会 (福岡:2024.03) |
雨天時排水からの集水域内生息動物DNA 検出へ向けた選択的試料採取方法の検討 第58回日本水環境学会年会 (福岡:2024.03) |
精密ろ過膜を用いた活性汚泥の膜分離において高分子凝集剤の添加が膜ファウリングに与える影響 第58回日本水環境学会年会 (福岡:2024.03) |
海産小型甲殻類による底泥から水中へのポリスチレン微小粒子回帰速度の定量 第58回日本水環境学会年会 (福岡:2024.03) |
物理的分画を用いた高速道路塵埃中の生態毒性原因粒子の探索 第58回日本水環境学会年会 (福岡:2024.03) |
Quantification of microplastics in highway dust collected by road-sweeping vehicles IWA 20th International Conference on Diffuse Pollution & Eutrophication, 6-8 December 2023, Daegu, South Korea |
Proposal of eDNA sampling methodology from urban runoff for detection of nuisance animals hidden in the catchment IWA 20th International Conference on Diffuse Pollution & Eutrophication, 6-8 December 2023, Daegu, South Korea |
Characterization of microplastics recovered from urban road dust by pretreatment of cellulase decomposition and Fenton oxidation 9th IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition 2023, 22-26 October 2023, Kaosiung, Chinese Taipei |
Influence of high-frequency, low-voltage alternating electric fields on sludge characteristics and microbial communities in laboratory-scale sequencing batch reactor. 26th JSWE symposium, 20-21 September 2023, Osaka |
Floc-wise bacterial community composition and its relationship with floc morphological parameters in activated sludge 10th IWA Microbial Ecology and Water Engineering Specialist Conference, 10-14 September 2023, Brisbane, Australia |
道路塵埃中マイクロプラスチックの損失と変性に着目した有機物分解手法の検討 第60回下水道研究発表会 (札幌:2023.8) |
Development of an aerodynamic dry separation device to collect fine and low-density particles in urban road dust Water and Environmental Technology Conference 2023, Online, 8-9 July 2023 [The WET Excellent Presentation Award] |
UV-A 照射前後の路面標示用塗料の底生カイミジンコを用いた毒性評価 第57回日本水環境学会年会 (松山:2023.03) |
活性汚泥顕微鏡画像から得られる特徴量と活性汚泥中微生物叢の関連性 第57回日本水環境学会年会 (松山:2023.03) |
Comparison of organic matter decomposition methods for pretreatment of microplastic analysis in road dust containing plant materials 第57回日本水環境学会年会 (松山:2023.03) |
一つずつ分取した活性汚泥フロックが有する細菌群集組成 第57回日本水環境学会年会 (松山:2023.03) |
Effects of high frequency-alternating electric fields on bacterial cell growth in planktonic and biofilm modes The 13th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment, December 13-15, 2022, Bangkok, Thailand |
Effect of high-frequency alternating electric field on initial bacterial adhesion and maturation of single species biofilm IWA Biofilms 2022 Conference, December 6-8 , 2022, Phuket, Thailand |
生息環境周辺試料からのハクビシン由来DNAの検出 第59回環境工学研究フォーラム (盛岡:2022.11) |
活性汚泥中細菌構成と深層学習により自動検出された微小動物相との関連性 第59回環境工学研究フォーラム (盛岡:2022.11) |
自己教師あり学習を用いた画像解析による活性汚泥中微小動物の自動検出手法の検討 第59回下水道研究発表会要旨集 pp.820-822 (東京:ハイブリッド, 2022.08) |
底質中環境DNA評価へ向けた底生生物由来DNAの生分解動態の解析 第56回日本水環境学会年会講演集, 425 (富山:オンライン, 2022.03) |
Verification of inhibitory effects on planktonic E. coli cell growth by low-intensity alternating electric field The 4th International Forum on Asian Water Environment Technology (IFAWET), Online, 10-11 December 2021 |
Development and optimization of untargeted detection method for AHLs in activated sludge The 4th International Forum on Asian Water Environment Technology (IFAWET), Online, 10-11 December 2021 |
Toxicity comparison of fluoranthene in formulated sediment and environmental sediments by 10-day spiked sediment toxicity test with an estuarine amphipod Grandidierella japonica The 4th International Forum on Asian Water Environment Technology (IFAWET), Online, 10-11 December 2021 |
PET繊維由来微細粒子が底生カイミジンコへの4-tert-ブチルフェノールの毒性に与える影響 第58回環境工学研究フォーラム, Online, 16-18 November 2021 |
Influence of alternating electric field on growth rate and culturability of planktonic E. coli cells 24th JSWE Symposium, Online, 14-15 September 2021 |
Toxicity evaluation of 2-mercaptobenzothiazole and its degradation products by spiked sediment test Water and Environmental Technology Conference 2021, Online, 11-12 August 2021 [The WET Excellent Presentation Award] |
Effect of different dosage of exogenous AHLs on indigenous AHL degradation activity and bacterial composition Water and Environmental Technology Conference 2021, Online 11-12 August 2021 |
Degradation kinetics of environmental DNA derived from growth and predation of a benthic crustacean IWA Digital World Water Congress 2021 (online, 24 May - 4 June 2021) |
Toxicity assessment of tire-related chemicals by spiked-sediment toxicity test SETAC Europe 31st Annual Meeting (online, May 2021) |
定量的画像解析による運転条件の異なる活性汚泥フロックの形状評価 第55回日本水環境学会年会講演集, (京都:オンライン, 2021.03) [ライオン賞] |
Freshwater formulated sediment to seawater using estuarine amphipod Grandidierella japonica by evaluation of survival rate SETAC North America 41st Annual Meeting (online, Nov 2020) |
Evaluation of recovery rate of rodent excrement-derived DNA from simulated urban runoff water Water and Environment Technology Conference 2020 (online, Nov 2020) [The WET Excellent Presentation Award] |
遺伝子キャプチャー法を用いたMBR 活性汚泥中アシルホモセリンラクトン合成酵素遺伝子の探索 第54回日本水環境学会年会講演集 p.75, (盛岡, 2020.03) |
底質汚染物質の生態毒性に基づく優先順位付けに関する検討 第54回日本水環境学会年会講演集 p.478, (盛岡, 2020.03) |
Evaluation of dietborne toxicity of hydrophobic organic chemicals to a benthic crustacean, Heterocypris incongruens IWA-ASPIRE 2019 (Hong Kong, October-November 2019) |
Assessment of exposure of chemicals in road dust to an estuarine amphipod by metabolomics 19th IWA International Conference on Diffuse Pollution & Eutrophication (Jeju, October 2019) |
Effect of Calcite Saturation on the Endpoints of Sediment Toxicity Test using Heterocypris incongruens Water and Environment Technology Conference 2019 (Osaka, July 2019) |
Relationship of fine particles characterized by flow cytometry with filterability of activated sludge in membrane bioreactors Water and Environment Technology Conference 2019 (Osaka, July 2019) [The WET Excellent Presentation Award] |
Degradation Characteristics of Acylated Homoserine Lactones in Activated Sludge Water and Environment Technology Conference 2019 (Osaka, July 2019) |
RNA-Seq analysis of estuarine amphipods exposed to highway road dust SETAC Europe 29th Annual Meeting (Helsinki, May 2019) |
汽水産端脚類のメタボローム解析による底質中有害物質の曝露マーカーの検討 第53回日本水環境学会年会講演集 p.196, (甲府, 2019.03) |
Comparison of dietborne and waterborne toxicities of 4-tert-butylphenol towards benthic crustaceans, Heterocypris incongruens 第53回日本水環境学会年会講演集 p.197, (甲府, 2019.03) |
Whole transcriptome analysis in the estuarine amphipod exposed to highway road dust 4th International Forum on Sustainable Future in Asia (Hanoi, Vietnam, January 2019) |
Detection of fine particles of microbial origin in activated sludge by fluorescent staining and flow cytometry The 5th Asian Conference on Safety and Education in Laboratory (Okinawa, Japan, November 2018) |
Effects of physico-chemical characteristics of formulated sediment on the survival and growth of amphipods Grandidierella japonica and Hyalella azteca SETAC North America 39th Annual Meeting (Sacramento, CA, USA, November 2018) |
Temporal variation of sediment environmental DNA in two seaside parks of Tokyo Bay: a case study of G. japonica IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition (Tokyo, September 2018) |
Metabolomic responses of estuarine benthic amphipod to heavy metals in urban runoff relevant concentrations IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition (Tokyo, September 2018) |
ニホンドロソコエビの重金属類および有機汚染物質への代謝物応答特性 第24回日本環境毒性学会研究発表会 (岐阜, 2018.09)【ポスター賞受賞】 |
道路塵埃に曝露したニホンドロソコエビの網羅的な遺伝子発現解析 第24回日本環境毒性学会研究発表会 (岐阜, 2018.09) |
De novo transcriptome sequencing of a benthic ostracod Heterocypris incongruens exposed to zinc Water and Environment Technology Conference 2018 (Matsuyama, July 2018) |
Variation of environmental DNA (eDNA) in sediment at different temporal scales in nearshore area of Tokyo Bay Water and Environment Technology Conference 2018 (Matsuyama, July 2018) |
汽水産端脚類ニホンドロソコエビを用いた東京湾底質の毒性評価 第52回日本水環境学会年会講演集 p.601(札幌, 2018.03) |
毒性試験における参照底質組成がニホンドロソコエビの代謝物応答に及ぼす影響 第52回日本水環境学会年会講演集 p.238(札幌, 2018.03) |
ジフェニルアミン汚染餌が底生カイミジンコの繁殖に及ぼす影響 第52回日本水環境学会年会講演集 p.236(札幌, 2018.03) |
MBR中に存在するアシルホモセリンラクトン類濃度の定量と膜間差圧変化との関係 第52回日本水環境学会年会講演集 p.208(札幌, 2018.03) |
アシルホモセリンラクトンの添加および分解操作が精密ろ過膜面上の汚泥ケーキ層形成過程に及ぼす影響 第52回日本水環境学会年会講演集 p.667(札幌, 2018.03) |
Effects of bacteria on degradation of sediment eDNA with different fragment length The 3rd International Forum on Asian Water Environment Technology (Singapore, Mar. 2018) [Best Poster Award] |
Predicting effects of copper on reproduction of the estuarine amphipod Grandidierella japonica using metabolic profiles The 54th Environmental Engineering Forum (Gifu, Nov. 2017) |
Exploration of metabolomic biomarkers in estuarine benthic amphipod for assessing heavy metal exposure in the receiving water environment 14th IWA/IAHR International Conference on Urban Drainage (Prague, Sept. 2017) |
トキシコゲノミクスデータベースを用いた毒性要因推定手法の検討 第23回日本環境毒性学会研究発表会 (東京, 2017.9) 【ポスター賞受賞】 |
Exploration of biomarkers in a benthic amphipod for toxic chemicals in road dust using cDNA-AFLP The 18th International Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Eutrophication (Los Angeles, Aug. 2017) |
底生甲殻類繁殖試験による道路排水中微粒子の有害性評価 第54回下水道研究発表会 (東京, 2017年8月)【優秀発表賞受賞】 |
Detecting benthic invertebrates (Grandidierella japonica) in water environment with sediment eDNA: the effects of marker length and treated sample weight Water and Environment Technology Conference 2017 (Sapporo, July 2017) [The WET Excellent Presentation Award] |
亜鉛曝露下のニホンドロソコエビにおけるde novoトランスクリプトーム解析 NGS現場の会 第五回研究会 (宮城, 2017.5) |
高分解能質量分析計を用いた汽水産端脚類の重金属曝露時の代謝物応答特性評価 第51回日本水環境学会年会講演集 p.419 (熊本, 2017.03) |
Transcriptional profiling of a native estuarine amphipod exposed to road dust and the related chemicals by cDNA-AFLP 7th SETAC World Congress/SETAC North America 37th Annual Meeting, Abstract book p.347 (Orlando, 2016.11) |
ニホンドロソコエビの底質毒性試験を用いた道路塵埃の毒性要因の推定 第22回日本環境毒性学会 研究発表会 (愛媛, 2016.9) |
底生カイミジンコを用いた慢性毒性試験における孵化観察期間:個体群行列モデルに基づく提案 第22回日本環境毒性学会 研究発表会 (愛媛, 2016.9) |
代謝物網羅的解析に基づく銅のニホンドロソコエビ繁殖阻害影響の予測 第22回日本環境毒性学会 研究発表会 (愛媛, 2016.9) |
Quantification of acyl homoserine lactones in MBR sludge using solid phase extraction and mass spectrometry Water and Environment Technology Conference 2016 (Tokyo, Aug. 2016) |
Variation of carbon absorption and sequestration in Tokyo Bay by nutrient removal in municipal wastewater treatment plants Water and Environment Technology Conference 2016 (Tokyo, Aug. 2016) |
Toxicity of urban road dust on reproduction of a benthic ostracod, Heterocypris incongruens NOVATEC 2016 (Lyon, June-July 2016) |
高分解能質量分析計を用いたニホンドロソコエビの代謝物測定と慢性毒性影響評価 第50回日本水環境学会年会講演集 p.260 (徳島, 2016.3) |
Comparison of oligonucleotide and polynucleotide probes for enrichment of target genes from environmental metagenomes by in-solution capture hybridization 日本微生物生態学会第30回大会 (土浦, 2015.10) |
ニホンドロソコエビを用いた汽水域底質毒性試験における遺伝子発現解析へのcDNA-AFLPの適用 第21回 日本環境毒性学会 研究発表会 (東京, 2015.9) (ポスター賞) |
Application of cDNA-AFLP to gene expression fingerprinting in estuarine sediment toxicity tests with an amphipod Grandidierella japonica Water and Environment Technology Conference 2015 (Tokyo, Aug. 2015) [The WET Excellent Presentation Award] |
Effect of road dust on reproduction of a benthic ostracod, Heterocypris incongruens Water and Environment Technology Conference 2015 (Tokyo, Aug. 2015) [The WET Excellent Presentation Award] |
Competitive complexation of Zn, Cu, Ni and Cd with dissolved organic matter in municipal wastewater treatment plant effluent Water and Environment Technology Conference 2015 (Tokyo, Aug. 2015) |
Effect of copper on metabolomes of estuarine amphipod Grandidierella japonica Water and Environment Technology Conference 2015 (Tokyo, Aug. 2015) [The WET Excellent Presentation Award] |
Effect of acyl-homoserine lactone concentrations in activated sludge on membrane fouling in membrane bioreactors Water and Environment Technology Conference 2015 (Tokyo, Aug. 2015) |
ニホンドロソコエビを用いた底質毒性試験における人工参照底質の適用可能性 第51回環境工学研究フォーラム講演集 pp.112-114 (山梨, 2014.12) |
紫外線照射による下水処理水中溶存有機物の重金属錯体形成能の変化 第51回環境工学研究フォーラム講演集 pp.83-85 (山梨, 2014.12) |
Toxicity of road dust under various salinities to an estuarine amphipod Grandidierella japonica Proc. 13th International Conference on Urban Drainage, ID-2505594 (Kuching, Sept. 2014) |
Dose-response relationship of solid-phase metals to benthic ostracod Heterocypris incongruens Proc. 13th International Conference on Urban Drainage, ID-2517476 (Kuching, Sept. 2014) |
Evaluation of road dust toxicity in an estuarine amphipod under various salinities based on microbead ingestion Proc. DIPCON Asian Regional Conference in 2014, 77-84 (Kyoto, Sept. 2014) |
Estimation of Escherichia coli Leakage Potential in Microfiltration based on Pore Size and Cell Size Distributions Water and Environment Technology Conference 2014 (Tokyo, June 2014) [Excellent Presentation Award] |
陸域からの栄養塩負荷が東京湾の炭素固定に与える影響~内湾複合生態系モデルを用いた解析~ 第48回日本水環境学会年会講演集, p.359 (仙台, 2014.3) |
Development of ostracod reproduction test for freshwater sediment Proc of the 6th ASEAN Civil Engineering Conference / the 6th ASEAN Environmental Engineering Conference, E-36 (Bangkok, Nov. 2013) |
ISO底質毒性試験生物種Heterocypris incongruensの致死率と餌由来重金属の用量反応関係 第50回環境工学研究フォーラム講演集、pp.160-162 (札幌, 2013.11)(ポスター発表)(優秀ポスター発表賞) |
Resources Productive Membrane Integral-System for Sewage (Biomass Water) IDA World Congress 2013 on Desalination and Water Reuse (Tianjin, Oct. 2013) |
Treatment Performance, Microbial Activity and Community Dynamics in Inclined Plate Membrane Bioreactors for Municipal Wastewater Treatment under Different Sludge Retention Time 13th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (Athens, Sept. 2013) |
Comparison of aquatic and dietary exposure of cadmium to benthic ostracod Heterocypris incongruens 5th IWA-ASPIRE Conference and Exhibition, (Daejeon, Sept. 2013) |
Effect of return sludge rate on the performance of an in-line sludge thickener-MBR (itMBR) 7th IWA Specialised Membrane Technology Conference and Exhibition for Water and Wastewater Treatment and Reuse, (Toronto, Aug. 2013) |
Long-term Operation and Membrane Fouling Properties of a Seawater Driven Forward Osmosis for Concentrating Nutrients in treated Municipal Wastewater 7th IWA Specialised Membrane Technology Conference and Exhibition for Water and Wastewater Treatment and Reuse, (Toronto, Aug. 2013) |
傾斜管による汚泥濃縮機能付きMBR(itMBR)によるコンパクト下水処理 第50回下水道研究発表会 (東京、2013年7月) |
The effect of dietary copper exposure to benthic ostracod Heterocypris incongruens using whole sediment toxicity test NOVATECH 2013 (Lyon, June 2013) |
Modeling simulation of forward osmosis plate membrane modules for concentrating nutrients WET2013, p.9 (Koganei, June 2013) |
Dietary toxicity of zinc from contaminated algae Chlorella vulgaris to benthic ostracod Heterocypris incongruens IEEC 2013 (Korean Society of Environmental Engineers), S9-11, 2013 (Seoul, June 2013) |
異なる塩分濃度条件下でのニホンドロソコエビを用いた道路塵埃の毒性評価 第47回日本水環境学会年会講演集, p.216(大阪, 2013.3) |
Concentrated biomass production from an in-line sludge thickener followed by a membrane bioreactor (it-MBR) IWA Regional Conference on Membrane Technology 2012, (Buenos Aires, Dec. 2012) |
Characteristics of forward osmosis (FO) on concentrating nutrients from wastewater IWA Regional Conference on Membrane Technology 2012, (Buenos Aires, Dec. 2012) |
Development of sediment chronic toxicity test for freshwater ostracod Heterocypris incongruens The 4th IWA Asia-Pacific Young Water Professionals Conference, XX (Tokyo, 2012.12)(oral presentation) (in preparation) |
イミジンコの幼生期における亜鉛曝露による繁殖能力への影響 第49回環境工学研究フォーラム講演集, pp.101-103(京都, 2012.11) |
Influence of anode material on electrochemical oxidation of organic pollutant for wastewater treatment World Water Congress and Exhibition, (Busan, 2012.9) (oral presentation) |
Characteristics of Forward Osmosis (FO) on Concentrating Nutrients from Wastewater World Water Congress and Exhibition, (Busan, 2012.9) |
Effect of Algal Cell Concentration and Light Intensity on Nitrogen Removal from Secondary Sewage Effluent cSUR Group A, Poster session (September 26, 2012) |
Development of Natural Treatment System for the Reclamation and Reuse of Strong Wastewater from Rural Community cSUR Section A (Urban Environment Management Group) Poster Presentation (September 26, 2012) |
Evaluation of oligonucleotide probe-based gene capture for recovering environmental functional gene diversity 14th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (Copenhagen, Denmark) [David C. White Award, Best Poster Award] |
Limitation of short solid retention time operation in an inclined plate membrane bioreactor (ip-MBR) and its effect on microbial community and activity 14th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (Copenhagen, Denmark) |
Effect of dietary zinc exposure from microgreen algae Chlorella vulgaris to benthic ostracod Heterocypris incongruens SETAC Asia Pacific 2012, p.123 (Kumamoto, 2012.9) |
Effect of zinc exposure during juvenile development on fecundity of freshwater ostracod Heterocypris incongruens SETAC Asia Pacific 2012, p.87 (Kumamoto, 2012.9) |
傾斜管付き膜分離活性汚泥法下水処理水からの正浸透膜ろ過を用いた栄養塩回収特性 第49回下水道研究発表会講演集、p.223-225(神戸、2012.7) |
下水汚泥の超臨界水ガス化におけるチタンを利用した前処理工程導入の検討 第49回下水道研究発表会講演集、p.1051-1053(神戸、2012.7) |
汚泥処理における超臨界水ガス化システムの導入可能性の検討 第49回下水道研究発表会講演集、p.1057-1059(神戸、2012.7) |
Effect of Oil addition on mobility of PAHs in Sediments and Road dust Water and Environment Technology Conference 2012 (WET2012), p.34 (Tokyo, 2012.6)(short oral + poster presentation) |
Comparison of Diurnal Profiles of Atmospheric Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Large Cities of Tropical Countries :Thailand, Bangladesh and Colombia Urban Environmental Pollution Conference (UEP2012), (Amsterdam, 2012.6) (poster presentation) |
Advanced treatment of organic compound and ammonia by electrochemical oxidation using BDD anode IWA Regional Conference on Wastewater Purification and Reuse 2012. (Grete, 2012.3) |
廃水の超臨界水処理におけるチタン存在下での無機塩類の挙動 化学工学会第77年会講演集、p.331(東京、2012.3) |
下水汚泥処理における超臨界水ガス化システムの導入可能性の検討 化学工学会第77年会講演集、p.332(東京、2012.3) |
大型バッチ式装置を用いた下水汚泥の超臨界水ガス化反応特性の基礎的検討 化学工学会第77年会講演集、p.333(東京、2012.3) |
Fundamental performance of forward osmosis on nutrients recycling from MBR effluent Proceedings of 46th annual conference of JSWE, p.457 (Tokyo, 2012.3) |
傾斜管付きMBR(it-MBR)システムの汚泥管理方法の確立 第46回日本水環境学会年会講演集, p.347(東京, 2012.3) |
ニホンドロソコエビの非致死毒性指標としての潜掘阻害と摂食量の比較 第46回日本水環境学会年会講演集, p.303(東京, 2012.3) |
End-Of-Life Cell Phones in Brazil: How to Reduce Environmental Impact and Promote Metal Recycling The 27th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management, (Philadelphia, 2012.3) |
Development of a Wastewater Treatment System with Low Environmental Impact for Rural Community - Sustainable Management of Water and Resources in China The 3rd International Conference on Sustainability Science in Asia (ICSS-Asia). (Bali, 2012.1) (poster presentation) (Poster Award) |
Evaluation of Urban Water Quality and Public Perception for Sustainable Water Use- A Case Study in Nonthaburi Province, Thailand 9th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment, (Bangkok, 2011.12) |
ニホンドロソコエビを用いた底質毒性評価における蛍光ビーズ摂食量測定手法の検討 第48回環境工学研究フォーラム講演集, pp.226-228(名古屋, 2011.11) |
プラスチックトレーの店頭回収や材料リサイクルの残渣のリサイクルを含むプラスチック製容器包装のリサイクルの環境負荷とコスト評価 第22回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演論文集(東京、2011.11) |
Electrochemical oxidation of organic compound and ammonia using Ti/RuO2 Proc. Korea-Japan symposium on water management and advanced treatment, 119-128 (Daegu, 2011.10) |
Development of multispecies toxicity test using freshwater green algae Scenedesmus acutus and ostracod Heterocypris incongruens 4th IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition (file name in Conference CD: sr119H00878DIS.pdf) (Tokyo, 2011.10) |
Life cycle assessment of integrated recycling scheme of household waste plastics including voluntary collection of plastic trays 6th International Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (Berkeley, 2011.6) (abstract is available at conference website) |
MBR処理水からのNF/RO膜による栄養塩の濃縮・回収に関する研究 第45回日本水環境学会年会講演集、p.188(札幌、2011.3) |
膜分離フォトバイオリアクターを用いた藻類濃縮培養による下水処理水からのバイオマス生産・二酸化炭素固定プロセスの開発 第45回日本水環境学会年会講演集、p.233(札幌、2011.3) |
家庭系廃プラスチックを対象としたリサイクルの評価方法の構築と適用 第6回日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集、pp.182-183(仙台、2011.3) |
Effect and energy evaluation of the garbage addition on the sewage sludge gasification in supercritical water 2010 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem) (Honolulu, 2010.12) (poster presentation) |
廃水の超臨界水処理における無機塩類の還元反応と挙動 第47回環境工学研究フォーラム講演集, pp.115-117(高知, 2010.11) |
プラスチック製容器包装の収集方法の違いが材料リサイクルの環境負荷と環境効率に与える影響 第21回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演論文集(金沢、2010.11) |
Co-gasification of sewage sludge and garbage in supercritical water for energy production 第21回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演論文集(金沢、2010.11) |
Performance of long-term operation of membrane bioreactor with in-line sludge thickener enhanced by inclined tubes (itMBR) 8th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment, 76-83 (Phuket, 2010.10) |
カスケード利用を含むプラスチック製容器包装のリサイクルシステムへの環境効率の適用 第38回環境システム研究論文集、pp. 379-388(京都, 2010.10) |
Complex bacterial communities on the fouled membrane of an inclined plate MBR treating municipal wastewater as identified by molecular based analysis Proc. IWA Regional Conference and Exhibition on Membrane Technology and Water Reuse (MTWR 2010) (Istanbul, 2010.10) |
Biological alteration of zinc complexation characteristics of dissolved organic matter in domestic wastewater treatment plant effluent under river water environment Water and Environment Technology Conference 2010 (WET2010) Program and Abstracts, p.53 (Yokohama, 2010.6)(Short oral + poster presentation) |
Dose-Response Models for Leptospira via Skin Route Water and Environment Technology Conference 2010 (WET2010) Program and Abstracts, p.52 (Yokohama, 2010.6)(Short oral + poster presentation) |
Improved nitrification in the cathode effluent of a microbial fuel cell Water and Environment Technology Conference 2010 (WET2010) Program and Abstracts, p.10 (Yokohama, 2010.6)(Short oral + poster presentation) (WET2010 Best Presentation Award) |
Time-series Analysis of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Vehicle Exhaust in Roadside Air Environment in Bangkok, Thailand Proc of Urban Environmental Pollution(UEP2010) (Boston, 2010.6)(Poster presentation) |
イソゴカイ(Perinereis nuntia)を用いた江東内部河川底泥中多環芳香族炭化水素の移行性評価 第19回環境化学討論会講演要旨集, pp. 108-109 (春日井, 2010.6) |
Effect of Operational Parameters on the Hydrothermal Gasification of Sewage Sludge Proc of 14th joint conference of Korea-Japan societies of Waste management, pp. 159-161 (Daejeon, 2010.5) (Short oral + poster presentation) |
Variation of zinc uptake and trophically-available fraction in green algae Scenedesmus acutus under different growth media with WWTP effluent Proceedings of 44th annual conference of JSWE, p.211 (Fukuoka, 2010.3) |
江東内部河川における底泥付着多環芳香族炭化水素の多毛類への移行性評価 第46回環境工学研究フォーラム講演集, pp.62-64(高崎, 2009.11)(ポスター発表)(優秀ポスター発表賞) |
Evaluation of a Groundwater Arsenic Treatment Process in Response to Organic Matter Inclusion in Feed Water Proc. 3rd IWA-ASPIRE Conference and Exhibition (file name in Conference CD oral-T4-0-1.pdf)(Taipei, 2009.10) |
ケミカルリサイクルにおける投入プラスチックの組成変化を考慮したプラスチック製容器包装廃棄物のカスケードリサイクルの環境負荷削減効果 第20回廃棄物資源循環学会研究発表会講演論文集、(名古屋、2009.9) |
Effect of upflow velocity on the performance of an inclined plate membrane bioreactor treating municipal wastewater Proc. 5th IWA Specialised Membrane Technology Conference for Water and Wastewater Treatment (Beijing, 2009.9) |
Heavy metal uptake and trophically-available fraction in green algae Scenedesmus acutus under various growth conditions 第18回環境化学討論会講演要旨集, pp. 346-347 (つくば, 2009.6) |
プラスチック製容器包装廃棄物の単一樹脂材料リサイクルを利用したカスケードリサイクルの有無が環境負荷に与える影響 第19回廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集、pp.271- 273(京都、 2008.11) |
Effect of Operating Parameters on Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Agricultural Waste 第19回廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集、pp.70-72(京都、2008.11)(poster presentation) |
Carbonization of Agricultural Waste Biomass under Elevated Pressures Proceedings of APLAS Sapporo 2008 The 5th Asian-Pacific Landfill Symposium (file name in Conference CD 2C-1 (120).pdf) (Sapporo, 2008.10) |
プラスチック製容器包装廃棄物のリサイクルにおいて樹脂ごとのリサイクル手法の違いが環境負荷に与える影響 第57回高分子討論会予稿集、pp.5257-5258(大阪、2008.9) |
ベトナム・ハノイ市の浄水施設から産出されるヒ素含有上水汚泥の有害性の検討 土木学会第63回年次学術講演会(仙台、2008.9) |
A Membrane Biofilm Reactor Achieves Aerobic Methane Oxidation Coupled to Denitrification (AME-D) with High Efficiency (file name in Conference CD 664459.pdf) (Vienna, 2008.9) |
Innovative Submerged Membrane Fungi Reactor for Textile Wastewater Treatment Fungal Morphology and Decoloration Activity under Non-Sterile Operation (file name in Conference CD 664472.pdf) (Vienna, 2008.9) |
Detection and quantification of novel Syntrophobacterales bacteria in methanogenic benzene degrading enrichment culture the Proceedings of ISME12, (Cairns, 2008.8) |
Long-term performance of a membrane bioreactor (MBR) with a GAC-packed anaerobic zone for textile wastewater treatment Proc. 2008 IWA North American Membrane Research Conference, (Amherst, 2008.8) |
プラスチック製容器包装廃棄物の単一樹脂材料リサイクルを導入したカスケードリサイクルによる環境負荷削減効果 平成20年度廃棄物学会研究討論会講演論文集、p.103(東京, 2008.6)(ポスター発表) |
Performance of a long term operated pilot scale inclined plate membrane bioreactor treating municipal wastewater Proc. IWA Regional Conference - Membrane Technologies in Water and Waste Water Treatment, pp.370-374 (Moscow, 2008.6) |
Effect of Pressure on High-rate Carbonization of Wood Wastes The 12th Korea-Japan Joint International Session, Proc. 2008 Spring Conference of the Korea Society of Waste Management, pp.133-135(Sunchon, 2008.5)(poster presentation) |
単一樹脂マテリアルリサイクルの実施が容器包装プラスチック全体のリサイクルにおいてライフサイクルコストや環境負荷に及ぼす影響 第29回全国都市清掃研究・事例発表会講演論文集(広島, 2008.1) |
Culture characteristics in a methane-fed membrane biofilm reactor for denitrification IWA Biofilm Technologies conference, (Singapore, 2008.1) |
Carbonization of agricultural wastes under elevated pressures 第18回廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集,pp.52-54(つくば、2007.11) |
無機塩類を含有する有害有機廃液の効率的な超臨界水酸化処理プロセスの検討 第18回廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集,pp.948-950(つくば、2007.11) |
容器包装プラスチックの単一樹脂マテリアルリサイクルにおいて樹脂分別タイミングの違いがライフサイクルコストおよび環境負荷に及ぼす影響 第44回環境工学研究フォーラム講演集, pp.185-187(山口, 2007.11) |
Simultaneous removal of nitrate and pesticides from groundwater using a methane-fed membrane biofilm reactor (M-MBFR) 2nd IWA - ASPIRE Asia-Pacific Regional Group Conference & Exhibition, (Perth, 2007.10-11) |
Evaluation of Waste-to-Energy Technology: Economic Feasibility in Incorporating into the Integrated Solid Waste Management System in Thailand Proc. IE Network Conference 2007, (file name in Conference CD: 0078 [T1][CP].pdf) (Phuket, 2007.10) |
Long-term Performance of Anaerobic-Aerobic SMBR System for Advanced Treatment of and Biogas Recovery from Kitchen Food-Waste Domestic Wastewater and Excess Sludge, Proc. 4th IWA Leading-Edge Conference on Water & Wastewater Technologies (Singapore, 2007.6) |
Textile effluent treatment by fungi MBR with sludge bed /GAC adsorption: Long-term performance of compact hollow-fiber module and overall treatment Proc. IWA 4th International Conference on Membranes for Water and Wastewater Treatment, (file name in Conference CD: 39b Faisal Ibney Hai.pdf) (Harrogate, 2007.5) |
A novel biological treatment process for sustainable groundwater management in agricultural areas Alliance for Global Sustainability Annual Meeting, Poster presentational proceedings, p.32 (Barcelona, 2007.3)(優秀ポスター賞受賞) |
新規Syntrophobacterales目類縁菌の嫌気ベンゼン分解微生物培養系における挙動解析 第41回水環境学会年会講演集, p.53(大阪, 2007.3) |
メタン生成細菌による嫌気的ヒ素気化 第41回水環境学会年会講演集, p.170(大阪, 2007.3) |
嫌気不織布・好気MF-SMBRシステムによる生ごみと家庭排水のバイオガス化 第41回水環境学会年会講演集, p.225(大阪, 2007.3) |
Submerged membrane fungi reactor for recalcitrant textile wastewater treatment: Effluent quality and membrane fouling Proc. Water Treatment and Reuse II conference (Tomar, 2007.2) |
容器包装プラスチックの選別方法と再生品質の現状分析から見たよりよい材料リサイクルのための収集対象物の考察 第28回全国都市清掃研究・事例発表会講演論文集、pp.131-133(川口,2007.2) |
Promoting consumers' participation in plastic waste recycling in Japan Proc. 8th Asian Academic Network for Environmental Safety and Waste Management (AANESWM), (Chennai (Madras), 2006.12)(in preparation) |
Optimization of Membrane Bioreactor for treatment of recalcitrant industrial wastewater Proceedings of the Network Young Membrains 8 (Rende, 2006.9) |
Application of photosynthetic bacterial pond to the treatment of noodle processing wastewater containing high sulfur content Proceedings of the 7th IWA Specialist Group Conference on Waste Stabilization Ponds, Bangkok, Thailand, Sep. 2006, p.55. |
粒子付着多環芳香族炭化水素類(PAHs)から見たバンコクにおける沿道大気質の時間帯別特性 第47回大気環境学会年会講演集、3E1124.pdf(東京, 2006.9) |
傾斜板を挿入した膜分離活性汚泥法による下水の高度処理 土木学会第61回年次学術講演会(草津、2006.9) |
Community Analysis of Anaerobic Benzene Degrading Bacteria with Stable-Isotope Probing 11th Int'l Sym. on Microb. Ecol., (Vienna, 2006.8) |
Optimization of Membrane Bioreactor for Industrial wastewater treatment Proceedings of the Taiwan-Japan Research Seminar for Postgraduate students on Environmental Technologies (Taipei, 2006.3) |
土壌由来ベンゼン嫌気分解微生物系の確立とStable Isotope Probing法によるベンゼン資化細菌の探索 第40回日本水環境学会年会講演集、p.332.(仙台, 2006.3) |
Membrane-coupled fungi reactor - an innovative approach to remediation of textile wastewater Proceedings of the Japan-Taiwan International Workshop on Membrane Application for Environmental Technologies (Tokyo, 2006.1) |
Treatment performance and bacterial population in photosynthetic bacteria pond for carbon recovery from noodle processing wastewater Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium of Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse for Sustainability, Jeju Island, Korea, Nov. 2005. |
チタン酸金属塩触媒 in-situ 水熱合成超臨界水酸化法におけるチタン粒子を用いた無機塩の析出管理とその数理モデル的検討 第16回廃棄物学会研究発表会、(仙台、2005.10-11) |
Application of cleaner technology and photosynthetic wastewater treatment system in noodle processing factory Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment, Hanoi, Dec. 2004. |
バンコクの都市大気環境における浮遊粒子付着多環芳香族炭化水素類の挙動 土木学会第59回年次学術講演会、第7部門、347-348(豊田, 2004.9) |
Development and Application of Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor Systems in the Far-Eastern Countries. Submitted as a part of literature review for the project "Membrane Bioreactors for Anaerobic Treatment of Conventional and Medium Strength Wastewater", funded by WERF, (Project no. 02-CTS-4). The paper; About the project: (1) (2) |
Optimization of wastewater feeding into a natural anaerobic pond process for cultivation of purple non-sulfur bacteria as protein source of a following fishpond Proceedings of IWA Asia-Pacific Regional Conference, Bangkok, Oct. 2003, p.151. |
Treatment of Textile wastewater: Membrane bioreactor with special dye-degrading microorganism Proceedings of the Asian Waterqual 2003, Bangkok, 2Q3F16. |
Treatment of Textile wastewater: A hybrid system consisting of membrane bioreactor and other physico-chemical systems Proceedings of the 1st Seoul National University- University of Tokyo Joint Workshop on Environmental Science and Engineering. |
Kinetics and mass transfer in supercritical water oxidation of phenol catalyzed by activated carbon Proceedings of 8th Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, pp.669-674 (Bordeaux, 2002.4) |
Determination of ammonia oxidation rate in supercritical water Proceedings of 8th Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, pp.681-686 (Bordeaux, 2002.4) |
活性炭触媒を用いたフェノールの超臨界水酸化反応における炭素表面官能基及び灰分の影響 化学工学会第67回年会研究発表講演要旨集,p.120(福岡,2002.3) |
Comparison of effect of sodium hydroxide on the decomposition of 2-chlorophenol and phenol in supercritical water and at supercritical water oxidation conditions Proceedings of 12th Annual Conference on Japan Society of Waste Management Experts, pp.1224-1226 (Yokohama, 2001.11) |
Dissolved oxygen concentration affecting a selective growth of purple non-sulfur bacteria in an organic wastewater treatment the Proceedings of ISME9, pp.384-385 (Amsterdam, Aug 2001) |
Effect of NaOH addition on the decomposition of 2-chlorophenol in supercritical water Proceedings of 11th Annual Conference on Japan Society of Waste Management Experts (Sapporo, 2000.11) |
実下水を用いた膜分離活性汚泥法における異なる pH条件下での微小後生動物数の変動と処理特性との関係 第37回環境工学研究フォーラム講演集, pp.98-100(仙台, 2000.11) |
光合成細菌を主体とする廃水処理微生物群の PCR-DGGE法とFISH法を用いた解析 第3回日本水環境学会シンポジウム講演集, pp.86-87(寝屋川, 2000.9) |
Modeling of phenol oxidation in supercritical water affected by activated carbon Proceedings of Joint Sixth International Symposium on Hydrothermal reactions & Fourth International Conference on Solvo-Thermal Reactions, pp.223-226 (Kochi, 2000.7) |
Effect of NaOH addition on the decomposition of 2-chlorophenol in supercritical water: Reaction products and decomposition mechanisms Proceedings of Joint Sixth International Symposium on Hydrothermal reactions & Fourth International Conference on Solvo-Thermal Reactions, pp.207-210 (Kochi, 2000.7) |
Effect of NaOH addition on the decomposition of 2-chlorophenol in supercritical water: Intermediates Proceedings of International Conference on Combustion, Incineration/Pyrolysis and Emission Control, pp.451-456 (Seoul, 2000.7) |
Effect of NaOH addition on the decomposition of 2-chlorophenol in supercritical water Proceedings of 2000 Annual Conference on Korean Solid Wastes Engineering Society, pp.99-101 (Seoul, 2000.5) |
Material Recovery from wastewater by photosynthetic bacteria the Proceedings of International Symposium on Establishment and Evaluation of Advanced Water Treatment Systems Using Functions of Complex Microbial Community, 227-235(東京, 2000.3) |
A comparative study for characterizing foam-causing microorganisms of membrane bioreactor with those of conventional activated sludge process the Proceedings of International Symposium on Establishment and Evaluation of Advanced Water Treatment Systems Using Functions of Complex Microbial Community, 363-364(東京, 2000.3) |
Bacterial community monitoring of photosynthetic sludge for kinetic model construction the Proceedings of International Symposium on Establishment and Evaluation of Advanced Water Treatment Systems Using Functions of Complex Microbial Community, 369-370(東京, 2000.3) |
光合成細菌を用いた廃水処理における微生物相の変遷(通気条件の検討とRhodobacter sphaeroidesの消長) 第34回日本水環境学会年会講演集, p.147(京都, 2000.3) |
亜臨界水と超臨界水でのNaOH添加による 2-クロロフェノール分解 第34回日本水環境学会年会講演集,p.549 (京都,2000.3) |
超臨界水酸化におけるダイオキシン様物質の生成に及ぼす炭素添加の影響 第34回日本水環境学会年会講演集,p.550 (京都,2000.3) |
超臨界水中におけるNaOH注入による2-クロロフェノールの分解に関する研究 化学工学会第65回年会研究発表講演要旨集,p.127 (東京,2000.3) |
膜分離活性汚泥の細胞内外成分分析および種々の活性汚泥との比較, 環境工学研究論文集, Vol.36, pp.295-302(岡山, 1999.12) |
回転平膜フォトバイオリアクターによる排水再資源化 第36回環境工学研究フォーラム講演集, pp.55-57(岡山, 1999.12) |
Analysis of bacterial community in membrane separation bioreactors by fluorescent in situ hybridyzation (FISH) and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis(DGGE) techniques the Proceedings of International Specialized Conference on Membrane Technology in Environmental Management, 302-309(東京, 1999.11) |
Role of purple sulfur bacteria to alleviate sulfide inhibition against growth of purple nonsulfur bacteria in a resource recovery process from wastewater the Proceedings of 7th IAWQ Asia-Pacific Regional Conference ASIAN WATERQUAL '99, 698-703(台北, 1999.10) |
Study of the predators grazing effect on the bacterial size distribution and floc size variation in the membrane-separated activated sludge the Proceedings of 7th IAWQ Asia-Pacific Regional Conference ASIAN WATERQUAL '99, 728-733(台北, 1999.10) |
活性炭触媒を用いた超臨界水酸化反応における酸素濃度及び炭種の影響 化学工学会第32回秋季大会研究発表講演要旨集,p.742 (金沢,1999.9) |
A resource-recovery process from wastewater using purple non-sulfur bacteria Rhodobacter sphaeroides the Proceedings of International Workshop on Quantitative Microbiology and Risk Assessment-Water Quality Management for Human Health-, 131-132(東京, 1999.3) |
紅色非硫黄細菌を用いた排水再資源化における競合微生物の解析 第33回日本水環境学会年会講演集, p.44(仙台, 1999.3) |
超臨界水酸化処理におけるダイオキシン様物質生成の抑制 第33回日本水環境学会年会講演集,p.155 (仙台,1999.3) |
紅色非硫黄細菌を用いた排水再資源化における微生物共生系を用いた硫化物阻害の緩和に関する検討 環境工学研究論文集, Vol.35, pp.439-446(京都, 1998.11) |
フェノールの超臨界水酸化法による処理時の中間生成物の検討 第31回土木学会環境フォーラム講演集,pp.53-55 (京都,1998.11) |
大気汚染物質の曝露量評価におけるパッシブサンプリング法の有効性の検討 第31回土木学会環境フォーラム講演集,pp.71-73 (京都,1998.11) |
下水中および河川水中の大腸菌における抗生物質耐性の分布 第31回土木学会環境フォーラム講演集,pp.144-146 (京都,1998.11) |
紅色非硫黄細菌 Rhodobacter sphaeroidesの増殖に対する硫化物の影響 土木学会第53回年次学術講演会講演概要集第7部, pp.268-269(神戸, 1998.10) |
Kinetics of PHA production by photosynthetic bacteria, Rhodobacter sphaeroides, under nutrient-rich condition the Proceedings of International Symposium on Biological Polyhydroxyalkanoates(ISBP 98), 14 (和光, 1998.9) |
超臨界水酸化反応における炭素添加効果 化学工学会第31回秋季大会研究発表講演要旨集第1分冊,p.348 (山形,1998.9) |
Performance and ecology in biomass production from wastewater using photosynthetic bacteria the Proceedings of International Symposium on Microbial Community and Functions in Wastewater Treatment Processes, 117-124(東京, 1998.3) |
紅色非硫黄細菌 Rhodobacter sphaeroidesのPHBおよび蛋白合成の動力学 第34回環境工学研究フォーラム講演集, pp.73-75(郡山, 1997.11) |
多摩川水系における抗生物質耐性菌の分布 第34回環境工学研究フォーラム講演集, pp.76-78(郡山, 1997.11) |
吸引型浸漬ナノろ過法の地下水処理への適用可能性 第34回環境工学研究フォーラム講演集, pp. 141-143(郡山, 1997.11) |
Polyhydroxyalkanoate and protein formation from wastewater by purple bacteria the Proceedings of 6th IAWQ Asian Regional Conference on Water Quality and Pollution Control, Vol.I, 830-837(ソウル, 1997.5) |
紅色非硫黄細菌(Rhodobacter sphaeroides)を用いた廃水再資源化における曝気と菌体組成の関係について 第31回日本水環境学会年会講演集, p.229(札幌, 1997.3) |
廃棄物処分場浸出水中の微量汚染物質のナノろ過プロセスでの挙動 第33回環境工学研究フォーラム講演集, pp.45-47(金沢, 1996.12) |
紅色非硫黄細菌の増殖に対する硫化物の影響 第33回環境工学研究フォーラム講演集, pp.129-131(金沢, 1996.12) |
光合成細菌を利用した有機性排水の嫌気処理・再資源化プロセスの最適運転制御 環境科学会(ポスターセッション)(府中, 1995.10) |
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