Environmental Risk Management and Quality Control Technology Lab

Welcome to Environmental Risk Management and Quality Control Technology Lab!

This laboratory belongs to Dept. of Urban Engineering, Grad. Sch. of Engineering, The Univ. of Tokyo. We have ~15 members including faculties, researchers, students and other staffs.


We are investigating environmental problems on various media; water, air, soil, sediment, solid waste etc. Wide-ranging pollutants are in our scope. Problem recognition seems to vary among members. Such diversity in one group will help each member to obtain broader knowledge and view and to rediscover his/her place. Or, in other words, under such circumstances, students will learn how to explain their field of study with easy-to-understand words. I myself am currently interested in the chemical forms of hazardous compounds derived from urban activities (especially related with urban drainage), their fate, thier ecological impact and the ultimate effect to our society. Let’s study together!

Starting from “possible” is important, I think. Do it, and if it doesn’t work, pursue the reason and ways to overcome; through this process any research gets interesting, I believe. A variety of research subjects have been addressed in this lab. Similarly from now on, I’d like to challenge new things by incorporating each one’s background and interest. I am currently interested in what kind of microorganisms are functioning in biological processes in engineering field and how we can efficiently control it.


21 July 2024 Patthranit Kunlasubpreedee got The WET Excellent Presentation Award @ WET2024 conference!
9 July 2023Jinmin Yao got The WET Excellent Presentation Award @ WET2023 conference!
24 Mar. 2022Emeritus Professor Kazuo Yamamoto was awarded the Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize for 2020 for his pioneering work in developing the submerged membrane bioreactor (MBR). The Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize honors outstanding contributions by individuals or organizations towards solving the world’s water challenges.
12 August 2021 Soyoung Lee got The WET Excellent Presentation Award @ WET2021 conference!
8 November 2020Ayane Itakura got The WET Excellent Presentation Award @ WET2020 conference!
14 July 2019Nana Yamaguchi got The WET Excellent Presentation Award @ WET2019 conference!
4 June. 2018Final lecture and Retirement party of Prof. Kazuo Yamamoto has been held on 4 June 2018. Details are here.
2 Mar. 2018Nan Wei got Best Poster Award at the 3rd International Forum on Asian Water Environment Technology!
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